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PEDO American Forceps Split Beak Lower No.151XAS
The PEDO American Forceps Split Beak Lower No.151XAS is specially designed for precise and atraumatic extraction of lower primary teeth during dental surgeries. The split beak design allows for a secure grip on the lower molars, applying equal pressure to minimize excessive trauma to the surrounding structures. These medical-grade forceps can ideally fit in smaller mouths, providing a more controlled extraction experience.
Application: Lower Primary Teeth Extractions
Target Teeth: Lower Molars
Structural Features: Split Beak | Angled Jaws | Fenestrated Handle
All instruments are for Human Dental use only, if looking for Veterinary Instruments, please visit, for Human Surgical Instruments please visit
The PEDO American Forceps Split Beak Lower No.151XAS ensures a stable grip on lower primary molars, enhancing control during extractions. The handles are designed with fenestrations for pediatric use, offering a non-slip grip that reduces dentist hand fatigue. The stainless steel construction ensures durability and resistance to corrosion, making it suitable for repeated sterilizations.
Key Benefits:
• Enhanced Grip: Split beak design offers a precise grip on primary molars, minimizing movement during extraction.
• Plier Handle: The handle design accommodates pediatric use, providing both comfort and control.
• High Durability: The stainless steel build ensures longevity and ease of sterilization