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Atraumatic Tooth Extraction Kit
The Atraumatic Tooth Extraction Kit has 8 German Stainless steel instruments required for performing extractions. The pack has three Anglevators, featuring left, right, and spade tips for effectively elevating and luxating tooth structures. Moreover, the 5 forceps come in different jaw shapes to accommodate the unique needs of surgeons.
All instruments are for Human Dental use only, if looking for Veterinary Instruments, please visit, for Human Surgical Instruments please visit
This set is specifically designed to offer an ultimate solution for effective tooth extractions. The pack’s versatility and available forceps types allow the surgeons to target almost all types of tooth structures. The medical-grade German stainless steel bodies ensure their resistance to wear and tear. All the instruments packed in this set pass through rigorous procedures to ensure quality and precision.
• Set of 8 dental instruments
• Sterilizable
• Reusable