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What is a Periodontist? Getting to Know Their Role in Oral Health

What is a Periodontist? Getting to Know Their Role in Oral Health

Smile is one’s first impression. 

Taking good care of oral health takes more than regular dental check-ups.

Most of the time, specialized care is required to maintain the health of your gums and the supporting structures of your teeth.

In this blog, we will review the domain of periodontics in detail, including what is a periodontist, what they do, and the importance of their role in the dentistry field. 

Why Periodontal Health Matters

Periodontal health is extremely important for maintaining a healthy oral cavity. Without proper gum care, individuals are likely to have dental issues, which might cause tooth loss. 

Many individuals are unaware of this; however, gum health is closely connected to overall well-being.

The Significance of Periodontal Health

Dental plaque forms from the microbes and food dust in the mouth. If the plaque isn't cleared off, it sets into tartar. 

Gingivitis is the initial phase of gum infection. It occurs when plaque begins to accumulate to the point that the gums become inflamed and bleed. 

Tooth decay and gum infection are the two most common oral diseases, and both are caused by plaque — evidence of how much care teeth and gums need.

Tooth Decay:

Tooth decay normally begins when the bacteria present in the mouth feast on sugar leftovers in the mouth. The bacteria accordingly release acids that harm the enamel. 

In similar veins, bacterial plaque can get under the gums, causing inflammation, the initial phase of periodontal disease. Individuals with poor oral hygiene and poor nutrition are more inclined to get tooth decay and gum disease.

Maintaining Oral Cavity:

The gums and surrounding delicate tissues should be in good health to support the teeth accurately. Without sufficient care of the gums, periodontal infection is possible. 

For many years, various studies have connected periodontal disease to health conditions like:

•    Cardiovascular illness
•    Diabetes
•    Chronic respiratory disease
•    Pregnancy complications

What is a Periodontist?

Periodontics is the section of dentistry that highlights the health of your gums and jawbone — the tissues that help your teeth. 

A gum expert or specialist is called a periodontist. After attending a four-year dental school, they receive three extra years of focused training in periodontics.


What is a periodontist? What is its origin? These are some of the frequently asked questions. 

So, let's explore the subject!

Periodontics is a dental specialty. "Periodontics" comes from two Greek words: "peri," which means "around," and "odont," which means "tooth."

While a few general dental specialists treat less periodontal severe cases, many will refer their patients to periodontists for complicated periodontal cases. 

Similarly, while a few general dental specialists perform dental implant procedures, many will also refer their patients to periodontists for more complex implant cases.

The Difference Between a Dentist and a Periodontal Dentist

After having specialized and comprehensive knowledge about what is a periodontist, let's move on to understand the difference between a dentist and a periodontal dentist.

The major goals of a general or family dentist are preventive and curative treatments

For example, you see your dentist if you require regular dental cleaning. 

A dentist also fills cavities and places restorations like dental crowns or dental bridges

In the U.S., a general dentist should complete their four-year graduation degree from dental school before receiving their license to practice.

Gum Specialist:

Periodontal Dentists, on the other hand, are gum specialists. 

Their primary focus is treating conditions that affect the tissues that support teeth across the gums and jawbone.

In addition to graduating from dental school, a periodontal dentist receives three years of additional training before being licensed to practice periodontics in the U.S.

What is Periodontics?

What is a periodontist? What is periodontics?—these are almost similar concerns.

“Periodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the disease of the supporting and contributing structures of the teeth, including the gums, cementum, periodontal layers, and alveolar bone.”

Periodontal Infection

Periodontal infections are usually widespread. 

They normally take place as a result of the accumulation of plaque and tartar

Periodontal diseases are progressive in nature, so it is essential to treat gingivitis in the early stage before it becomes periodontitis, which is more serious for dental health.

Periodontal Methods

Periodontal methods are concerned with the treatment of tissues surrounding the tooth. 

These methods include:

•    Scaling and smoothing of tooth-root surfaces
    Periodontal surgery
    Connective tissue grafting
•    Periodontal pocket treatment

What Does a Periodontist Do?

A periodontist is a dental specialist who prevents, detects, and treats gum disease. They also manage signs of attacking gum problems, like oral inflammation.

Gum Disease

Gum disease results when the tissue around your teeth gets infected, causing inflammation. 

Plaque-forming bacteria that develop on your teeth normally cause this swelling as it spreads below the gum line.

Gingivitis is the initial form of gum infection. This condition can be controlled to some extent by keeping the mouth and teeth clean and visiting the dentist regularly. 

Yet, more advanced gum infections or periodontitis may require a complete treatment, in which case, see your periodontist without delay.

They'll examine your dental and medical histories. Then, they'll do a dental exam to find the best treatment choice. This could include both surgical and nonsurgical procedures.

What Dental Procedures Does a Periodontist Perform?

What does a Periodontist do? Well, Periodontal Dentists might perform a diverse range of procedures to treat gum disease or other gum conditions. 

Scaling and root planning are two of the common procedures. Scaling removes plaque and calculus (hardened plaque) from the tooth surfaces under the gums. 

When the scaling is done, root planning is performed next.

Root planing smooths the tooth root's surface once the plaque and calculus have been removed, removing the affected and contaminated root structure caused by the bacterial endotoxins. 

This enables the gums to adjust to and stick to the roots of the teeth, leaving no spaces for bacteria to gather and cause gum disease.

Osseous (bone) Surgery

If gaps or pockets exist between the gums and teeth, bacteria can enter and cause an infection. A periodontist needs to reshape the jaw bone and ligaments that help hold teeth in place to prevent gaps and pockets from forming. 

Bone Graft

A bone grafting procedure or technique is used in the preparation of a dental implant. 

If the jawbone isn't sufficiently thick to support an implant, a bone graft can increase it. When a tooth is missing or, in the case of extreme gum disease, the jawbone declines and finally breaks apart.

A bone graft technique includes correctly putting bone graft material under the gums on top of the existing bone. 

This surrounds the existing jaw bone and helps it recover and develop to increase its size altogether. 

When this process is finished, and the bone has had a couple of months to grow, a dental implant can be placed.

Gum Graft

A gum graft method might be essential if the gums have retreated very far away from the teeth. 

Retreating gums enables the tooth root to be uncovered, which can cause sensitivity and loss of bone support.

This method involves removing tissue from elsewhere in the mouth and grafting it over the roots of the teeth where the gum tissue has retreated. The gum tissue then recovers and bonds with the teeth.

Dental Implant Placement

While many general dentists also perform this method, a periodontist specializes in the placement of dental implants.

The implant root is a titanium post that is precisely placed in the jaw bone. It combines with the bone to form a powerful bond. 

When the implant is attached to the bone, a crown is connected to the top. The whole dental implant looks and works like a natural tooth.

Preventing Periodontal Disease:

Besides regular brushing and flossing, individuals can also take specific steps to prevent the disease from happening. 

These steps include:

•    Avoiding smoking
•    Eating a healthy diet
•    Visiting a dental office regularly
    Getting treatment when the main signs of gum disease begin to appear

Every individual who needs to maintain good periodontal health should be careful about the things they eat or drink. 

A healthy diet with minimum sugar and necessary nutrients needed by the teeth and gums should make up a good part of meals.

It is highly recommended to limit snacks between meals and consume no alcohol. 

Final Words!

What is a periodontist? Now we have an idea about the whole periodontal practice.

Visiting a periodontist offers various advantages, including better gum health, tooth loss prevention, correction of cosmetic issues, and improved overall oral health. 

If you're experiencing gum-related issues, seek a periodontist's expertise to guarantee a healthy and lovely smile.

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